Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Justin.tv has ushered in the new era of reality television online.

Justin.tv follows the life of entrepreneur Justin Kan as he goes about his daily activities in San Francisco. It’s live, it’s unedited, and it’s everywhere. Thanks to a wearable camera and some wireless technology, you can tag along with Justin wherever he goes - seriously. The quality of the video and audio is surprisingly good


  1. Justin wears the camera 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even in the bathroom. Even on a date.
  2. The man, Justin, with gear:

    (photo Rafe Needleman webware.com)

  3. This is really live. Honest. Right now.
  4. Justin will wear the camera until the day he dies. By which we mean if he takes it off, we'll kill him.

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