Thursday, April 12, 2007

Google Maps Mashup

Google has launched a new feature in Google Maps: My Maps, a customizable map builder. It's just a great tool. It makes it very easy to create a customized map of a location, with place markings, paths, and areas marked off, as well as attached pictures and hyperlinks.My Maps can be viewed in Google Earth.

Mashups that overlay any kind of data on top of an online map are all the rage. But up until now I didn't know that even I, with no coding experience whatsoever, could make a customized map of my own. I did, and it took less than an hour. And it can even be found in the Google Maps index if I want it to.

Now that the feature is live, the Google maps site features a new "My Maps" tab next to the "Search Results" tab. Click on the "create new map" link and type in a title and description. The interface also gave you the choice of whether to keep the map private or make it public.

This is the mainstreaming of mashups,It's now possible for ordinary people who can use these tools to create maps to share.

Have a go its GREAT

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