Friday, January 27, 2006

AJAX & Web2.0 Online Applications Coming Next

In the very near future in fact NOW more and more of the tools you will need to edit, write, collect, and publish online are going to be sitting and running on a remote server, and not on your local computer hard disk. The majority of users is still strongly anchored to their desktop programs generally made up of Outlook or equivalent email program, Word and a set of more dedicated apps like Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, or a database tool.Lack of true alternatives have made the use of these tools become more necessary than any open market and smart consumer would ever want.But now, that even Microsoft itself is awakening to the launch of an increasing number of Web-based office applications, there can be no more doubt about where the future is going to take us.
Web-based applications are always up-to-date, require no physical purchase, no download, no installation and no setup. They run right away on any computer you may have: PC, Mac, Linux, or others. Web-based applications can be made more secure and reliable than many downloadable software tools available today.
Further web-based software is born with built-in collaboration abilities and with the potential to do many things more that are just not possible on the desktop.
With that in mind I give you a list of Web Based online programs (tools) that are targeted at providing a true effective alternative to your typical Microsoft Office suite. Have a look at
and try out the future NOW

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing about Zoho :-)