Tuesday, July 29, 2008

280 Slides (Powerpoint Online)

Launch 280 Slides
Create beautiful presentations, access them from anywhere, and share them with the world.
With 280 Slides, there's no software to download and nothing to pay for
– and when you're done building your presentation you can share
it any way you like.
The available themes look great, and you can use pictures and videos
from online services in your presentations. Once you’re finished
with your presentation, you can publish it and share it on the Web in a
variety of ways, but you can also download it as a PowerPoint file.

Lots of New Features!

We’ve packed in a whole slew of
updates in our latest push to 280 Slides, including one of our most
requested features: the ability to download presentations in a variety
of different formats. With the addition of the new download menu,
you can now save your slides directly to your computer as PPTX, PPT,
ODP, or PDF:

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