Saturday, December 30, 2006


Book published in the past meant striking a deal with a publisher, getting paid a lousy commission, and losing the rights to your work. However, with Lulu, the traditional publishing model is thrown right out the window.

Lulu allows you to self-publish your work, and this means that you can set your own price, keep the rights, and then Lulu will only get their piece of the financial pie when you sell copies of your title. They operate on a print on demand policy, so copies of your work are printed as each order is received. There are also no set-up fees, so besides actually having something to publish, there are no other barriers to prevent you from becoming a published author. In addition to a variety of book types, Lulu also publishes and sells calendars, CDs and DVDs, digital media, brochures, and images.

I have looked at the site and it seems exactly as it states so go on Get Publishing

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