Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Sitting down to watch the news or read a newspaper is usually a very disturbing experience. Most of the stories that we are subjected to involve how many people died today, how they died, and why we’re all dying because of what we’re doing to ourselves. Yeah… depressing. Sometimes it’s nice to step away from the news stories that we’re used to, and instead, get up to speed on all of the weird things that human beings are doing. After all, that well will never run dry. To find some of these stories, visit News of the Weird.

News of the Weird is a weekly syndicated newspaper column. The site documents a host of the columns for the Internet crowd to read. Reading this column will probably make you feel a whole bunch better about yourself, which is always a plus. One cool feature is that you can go to a map of the US and select a state to read stories that actually happened there. Those of you who really like what you read can check into the compilation books that feature the best of the weird. If your story has appeared in this column, please slap yourself.

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